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What is Debt Validation?

Debt Validation is one of the most powerful tools you have under the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCP). FDCP requires that a debt collector verifies the amount and validity of the debt. Anyone has the right to discard the debt and get validation as a part of their consumer rights. Debt Validation doesn’t affect your credit score like Debt Settlement or leave you with the entire bill like Debt Consolidation.

Debt Settlement will leave you with a negative mark on your credit that lasts for 7 years after the settlement is completed. With Debt Consolidation the debt is not forgiven or even reduced.
Debt Validation is faster, costs less and leaves you with a higher credit score in the end. Our mission is to reduce your monthly payments, get you out of debt within 24 months, and build your credit in the process!
We have designed a process that allows you to exercise your consumer rights to their fullest extent. We will assist you in preparing 2 types of documents, credit dispute requests and account validation requests. Creditors are required to keep meticulous records and must provide those records upon request. Once you’ve submitted either request, your alleged creditors are legally obligated to respond – they MUST substantiate the information they’ve claimed to be true; whether it’s the information they’ve reported to the credit bureaus or the debt they’re claiming that you owe. Many times, their records are non-existent, incomplete, or inaccurate. Our Document Analysts will carefully review the details all the documents, looking to see if your consumer rights were violated. When you receive collection letters or other communications from alleged creditors/debt collectors, it is imperative that you send it into us IMMEDIATELY. Although there are hundreds of Federal laws & statutes that regulate collection activity, one of the strongest consumer protection laws is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). For your request to qualify for FDCPA protection, it MUST be made within 30 days of the date you received the collection letter. If 30 days has already passed, PLEASE STILL SEND IN THE COLLECTION LETTER – you can request validation from a debt collector at ANY time.

    How Debt Validation Works

    By reporting misinformation to the credit bureaus, attempting to collect on invalid accounts. Contacting you illegally/once you’ve revoked consent your alleged creditors are attacking you financially and we can help you protect it! With more than 75 million Americans experiencing some sort of financial hardship and the recent epidemic of immoral practices in the financial industry being exposed. Debt Advisors was created to assist consumers in effectively protecting themselves against illegal collection practices, and incorrect information being reported to the credit bureaus. Our philosophy is simple; an educated

    consumer is a powerful consumer, people shouldn’t need a law degree to understand their consumer rights. By providing our members with information, assistance, and services to which they may not otherwise have access, we are arming our members with the tools and resources to assist them in protecting themselves against violations of their consumer rights. Every consumer should not only be aware of their rights, but also be equipped with the knowledge of how to defend those rights against illegal practices. Debt Advisors is a consumer service provider specializing in consumer education and building strong financial foundations. Members have access to several additional benefits offered by trusted, independent, third-party service providers; such as, extensive education on how to build “good” credit and instruction on how to develop “healthy” financial habits. You will also be able to schedule consultations with consumer rights legal professionals, and should the actions of your alleged creditors require it; discounted legal representation offered by independent, third-party law-firms.

    Our Consumer Empowerment Team will provide you with status updates and important information regarding your account with us, as well as reinforce your understanding of your rights as a consumer. In addition, our Consumer Empowerment Team is also available to answer any questions you may have, throughout this process. We are available 9:00am-9:00pm Eastern time, Monday-Friday. Our Data Specialists will review your credit report for any inaccuracies that may be impacting you. Our Data Specialists work with you to ensure that all erroneous, and derogatory remarks are identified, and addressed. Our Data Specialists will assist you in preparing documentation requesting that these items be verified or removed from YOUR credit report. During this part of the process, our Violation Specialists will also be reviewing YOUR credit report for potential violations of any federal statutes. If identified, violations can lead to financial compensation for YOU! Our Violations Team will provide you with consumer rights education and training on how to protect those rights. They will review federal laws and statutes that were put in place to protect YOU, as the consumer. Understanding your rights as a consumer will help you understand how your alleged creditors may be violating these rights. Our Violations Team works closely with independent third-party law firms that, if applicable, will assist you in pursuing damages as a result of your consumer rights being violated. During the last steps of your journey with us, you will be assigned an Personal Account Advisor. You will have the opportunity to have a 1 on 1 relationship with your Personal Account Advisor! You will have a direct phone number, fax number, and email address to reach your very own advisor as well. Your advisor’s goal will be to further educate you with regards to rebuilding your credit, not just for today, but with a strong financial future in mind. They are 100% here for YOU!